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&Waste Services

* Commercial
*Hotel & Resort
* HOA Curbside

* Rolloff Dumpster Services
* Solid Waste / Zero-Waste Planning
 Hana Hou! Rolloffs
Hana Hou!
Keeping Hawai'i Green
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white ram 5500 rolloff truck with a blue dumpster_edited.jpg






Professional Collection & Hauling Services. Zero-Waste Consulting and Planning.

  • Rolloff Dumpster Services

    • 10 Cubic Yard Mini-Rolloffs – "Lowboy," easily accessible sides, fits in tight spots

    • 15 Cubic Yard HD Rolloff Dumpsters

    • Value-Packed price, Weekly Drop and Pull rates – In town, and outta town. Extended services to Kohala and Hilo available.

  • Flatbed Hauling Services – For all palletized materials, forklift accessible, Hana Hou Drivers forklift cert.

  • Solid Waste, Green Waste, Agricultural, Construction and Demolition Hauling


  • Recyclable and Recoverable Materials Hauling – Appliances, Batteries, Cardboard and Paper Fiber, C&D Waste, Glass, Electronic Waste, Hi5 Beverage Bottles and Cans, Scrap Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals

  • Specialized Hotel, Resort, and Restaurant Program Planning and Waste & Recycling Services


  • HOA Curbside Recycling Services

white ram 5500 rolloff truck with a blue dumpster.jpg

"Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono"

'The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness'

Kamehameha III, the King of Hawaii, on July 31, 1843

Adopted in 1959 as Hawaii State Motto.


"Zero Waste" promotes the goal of reducing waste by recycling all material for use for another system. Waste is actually a valuable resource waiting to be recovered. There is no such thing as waste in nature. The by-product of one system is feedstock for another. Zero Waste can be achieved through small shifts in our daily activities and diverting our waste to the right channels. In this way, we greatly reduce our impact on Hawai'i Island's natural environment and how much rubbish we generate. We also preserve our resources for future generations, and save our community tax dollars.

In 2007, the Hawai`i County Council joined hundreds of states, counties, and cities, passing legislation adopting the mission to reduce our ecological footprint. With the right strategy and appropriate education, we can all begin to see valuable resources in our waste and divert those resources from the landfill to the right place for recovery.

Both non-organic and organic materials can be recycled or reconstituted into new products, extending our resources useful life cycle. Non-organic materials that can't be used anymore are recycled into new products. Organic materials are processed to produce mulch or compost for agricultural purposes.

It doesn't require a lot of effort, just a little bit of creativity and some awareness. Zero Waste is worth it. It safeguards our future, saves money and protects the environment.

Our work

Genisis & Evolution


We started in 2008 with just an idea, and a first-gen Cummins Dodge Ram pickup. Around Kona, no service or hauling options were available for any recycling. We thought, how hard could it be? Welp, it sure wasn't easy...


But, working with our Island's great community – Partners, friends, scrap recyclers, resorts, businesses, and local non-profits – We began diverting and channeling away tons of materials bound for our rapidly filling landfills.


Today Hana Hou serves our Island's community with an expanded hauling fleet, and offers customized solid waste and recycling services, waste management and zero-waste planning & program development. It's a small way we do our part to malama ka'aina, and to help Keep Hawai'i Green. We malama our clients, our employees, and our Island home.


Hana Hou:

 * Diverts recoverable materials from the landfill, and helps protect our island's delicate ecosystem.


* Supports and builds a circular economy, creates good, living-wage jobs in the growing transportation, logistics, and sustainability industries. 


* Is a "Triple-Bottom Line" family, company - Economic margins from good business management, also include social and environmental returns.


* Is driving environmental and social change, with a start-up mentality, and boot-strapping creativity.

* Sponsors numerous community organizations, events and programs including: Recycle Hawai'i, Zerowaste Hawai'i, Ka'u Global Learning Lab, Lavaman Triathlon, S4SN - Surf for Special Needs, Surf for the Earth, IVF Va'a World Sprints, Kona Surf and Film Festival, and West Hawai'i Exploratory Academy, Middle and High School.


By the way, if you hadn't heard...


Hilo's landfill is now closed. All solid waste is trucked to the WHSL - West Hawai'i Sanitary Landfill – located near the Waikoloa Beach Resort. Landfill tipping fees are rapidly increasing each year. We have about 20 years left at WHSL, before a new landfill must be sited and built for an unbelievable sum of taxpayer dollars.


Save waste costs. Stand up and protect the 'aina, waterways, and our delicate reef ecosystems. Recycle today! – All "white goods" appliances, autos and trucks, batteries, cardboard and paper fiber, construction and demolition waste, electronics, glass, green waste, and ferrous and non ferrous metals. Don't forget to "Hana Hou" your Hi5 bottles and cans by recycling too!

It can take over a thousand years for one inch of soil to be made. Our compost Partner – www.Organic Matters Hawai' – is helping the 'Aina by speeding up that process for our Island's growers and farmers. Check out Deano and his Ohana's organic compost and soil amendment products and services. Rich, nutrient-dense and microbes alive soils made the old-school way for you today.


Image by Albert Stoynov

HOA Curbside:
CLEAN Stream

Mahalo for participating in the Kona-Kohala curbside recycling service!


Depending on your HOA, you may have a One Bin or Two Bin System. Either way, here's a few tips:

You can recycle up to 70% of your residential waste by...


* Recycling all Beverage plastic, glass bottles and aluminum cans (Hi5).


* Recycling all Brown Paper Fiber – Cardboard, brown paper goods, boxboard and paperboard. Flattening Cardboard helps!

* Recycling all Glass – Like jars, wine & liquor bottles, broken glass etc.


* Recycling all Metals

***Please remove any packing plastics, & styrofoam, and put in trash, .


***Please do not contaminate recycling with foodwaste, personal-hygiene items, or needles & medical supplies.


Condo, Commercial or
Job Site:

CLEAN Stream

There are many options to save waste costs, and recycle and recover a variety of materials from your organization's waste stream.

A set of labeled bins and/or rolloff dumpster(s) can be installed in the waste and recycling area at your condo, place of business, or job site. Services can include:

* All Brown Paper Fiber –Cardboard, brown paper goods, boxboard and paperboard


* All Glass – Like jars, wine & liquor bottles, broken glass etc.

* Electronic waste, and batteries

* All Greenwaste

* All Metals – Sometimes separated metals, ferrous and non-ferrous metals like aluminum, copper, and stainless steel

* All shipping pallets

* Appliances and "White Goods"

* Construction & Demolition Waste

* Dry Waste – Landfill Bound



Food Waste and Residue

Dump Food and Organic waste into trash.


Contaminated materials with rotten food, odors and maggots will ruin an entire bin of recyclables. Please do NOT recycle food, food lunch plates, or anything with food. 


Biowaste – Pet & Human wastes, personal hygiene items, tissues, toiletries, etc.  


Medical waste – All medical products, *needles & sharps*, tissues, masks, etc.

Plastic Waste – (Please recycle all plastic drinking bottles!) All plastic packing and packaging, film, bags styrofoam, etc. not accepted.

How To Recycle
Image by Albert Stoynov

Schedule a Rolloff Dumpster / Ask us a Question

PO Box 565

Holualoa, HI 96725

Tel: 808-322-7505

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